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Prof.Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the acting president of Benha University and Prof. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs received the studentMahmoud Gamal Mohamed, the student at the 3rd year at Faculty of Physical Education after winning the first place the gold medal in the International Elite Championship of Muaythai in Iraq. Prof.Dr. Nasser El Gizawy congratulated the player for that great achievement which raised name of Egypt and Benha University globally and mentioned that Benha University and its staff are proud of these models from the students of Benha University.
Dr. Tamer Samir also congratulated the player Mahmoud Gamal and he stressed that Benha University is keen to support outstanding students in all talents and encourage them to engage in student and sports activities.

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Benha University leaders and staff mourned Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawy, one of the commanders of the glorious October War. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the acting president of Benha University, on behalf of the university's vice presidents, deans of faculties, all academic and administrative leaders and the university family expressed his sincere condolences on the death of Field Marshal Tantawy, asking God Almighty to bless him with his mercy.
El Gizawy also confirmed that the national history of Field Marshal Tantawy as one of the leaders and heroes of our armed forces and the glorious October War .He also considered as one of the national symbols and the Egyptian people who will not forget because of his great history at the military life of Egypt history and his presidency of the Military Council, where he assumed responsibility in difficult circumstances and led the country towards safety.

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Dr.Gamal Soussa, Benha University President has confirmed on continuing vaccinating all the staff and student with Corona Virus Vaccine before starting the new academic year under auspices of Dr.Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University Vice -President for Post graduate Studies, Prof.Dr. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs, Dr. Mohamed Gamal El Ashhab , the faculty of Medicine dean , Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghany, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health in Qalyubia, and Dr. Amr El-Dakhakhny, Executive Director of Benha University Hospitals . Dr. Gamal Soussa confirmed on vaccinating 60,000 student and staff of the University before starting academic year and to provide all kinds of logistical support to the medical teams and help them perform their tasks, as part of the plan to reach a safe and corona-free campus.

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Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, issued ministerial decrees to appoint new managers at Benha University .Dr.Nasser El Gizawy, the acting president of Benha University mentioned that the new appointments included the following; Mr.Mohamed Sayed Mohamed Abd Allah as the faculty of Law manager and Mr. Soliman Abdu Abd El Naby as the manager of Education and Students Affairs at Benha university .with our best wishes and success at their new position.

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President Abd El Fattah El Sisi, Egypt's President has issued a presidential decree to appoint Prof.Dr. Gamal Soussa as Benha University President and hoped for him best wishes and great success at his new position.Prsident Abd El Fattah El Sisi also thanked Dr. Nasser El Gizawy for his great efforts as Acting dean for Benha University .

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Dr.Gamal Soussa, the Acting President of Benha University has confirmed on continuing vaccinating all the staff and student with Corona Virus Vaccine after vaccinating 20000 of its staff and students.
Dr.Gamal Soussa was accompanied by Dr.Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University Vice –President for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, Prof.Dr. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs and Dr. Mohamed Gamal El Ashhab, Faculty of Medicine dean.  Dr.Gamal Soussa pointed out that 20,000 doses of vaccine were received from the Ministry of Health where the medical teams were trained on vaccination procedures and all that Doses were given to Benha University staff. He also added that the University pays great attention for Corona Virus Vaccination by providing all kinds of logistical support to the medical teams and to help them perform their tasks, as part of the plan to reach a safe and corona-free campus.

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Benha University Board under presidency of Dr.Gamal Soussa, Benha University president has honored Mr. Wael Meky , the General Manager of Administrative Security for his previous efforts at the University . The meeting was held in presence of Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the Vice –President for Post Graduate Studies Affairs and Prof.Dr. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs. On the other hand, Mr. Wael Meky thanked the University Board for that honor and stressed that he is proud of his work period at Benha University, wishing further progress and advancement for the university.

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The Community Service and Environment Development Sector and Directorate of Health Affairs in Qalyubia continued launching the medical convoys to Shibin El Qanater villages in the framework of Hayah Karima Initiative and by cooperation with Faculty of Medicine and under auspices of Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the acting president of Benha University and Dr. Gamal Soussa, the general supervisor on Community Service and Environment Affairs. Dr. Gamal Sousa said that the university organized a medical convoy to the village of Kafr Shibin in cooperation between the Faculty of Medicine and the Directorate of Health Affairs in Qalyubia, within the framework of the societal role that Benha University plays to serve citizens. He also added that that the medical convoy with the door-knocking system is to ensure that free medical services and medicines reach their beneficiaries inside their homes as a precautionary measure in light of the Corona pandemic. For her part, Dr.Nermin Adly , the Faculty deputy for Community Service and Environment Affairs , said that 300 physicians from Faculty of Medicine from various specialties and departments have participated at the medical convoy to serve citizens.

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The medical teams at Benha University have continued their work for the second day in succession to vaccinate Benha University students and staff to encounter Corona Virus.
On the other hand, Dr.Nasser El Gizawy, the Acting President of Benha University said that the medical teams have vaccinated 602 of its employees and students at faculty of Applied Arts and Faculty of Computer and Artificial Intelligence. It's worth mentioning that Prof. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs and Dr. Gamal Soussa, the general supervisor on Community Service and Environment Affairs have inspected vaccination process at both faculties.

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The Community Service and Environment Development Sector has continued launching its medical convoys Shibin El Qanater in the framework of Hayah Karima Initiative and under auspices of Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the acting president of Benha University, Dr. Gamal Soussa, the general supervisor on Community Service and Environment Affairs and by cooperation with Dr. Mohamed Gamal El Ashhab, the Faculty of Medicine dean.
Dr. Gamal Sousa said that the university organized a medical convoy to the village of El Ahraz within the framework of the societal role that Benha University plays to serve citizens and the villages in need. For her part, Dr.Nermin Adly , the Faculty deputy for Community Service and Environment Affairs , said that physicians from Faculty of Medicine from various specialties and departments have participated at the medical convoy to serve citizens and about 380 sick cases were diagnosed and take medicine for free, and some cases were transferred to the university hospital to make the necessary surgeries and early detection of breast tumors.

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