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Prof.Dr. Aref Soliman, the faculty’s dean hosts at his office Prof.Dr. Samir Hamad who suddenly visits the faculty of engineering/ Benha. This visit concurs with the visit of the members of the accreditation authority in the presence of prof.Dr. Gamal EL-Saied, the university president and the faculty’s members.

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The visit of the accreditation team starts at 9 am as they inspect the important documents in addition to paying a visit to the various scientific and adminstritaitive departments. This visit comes in accordance with the accreditation procedures of the faculty.

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Prof.Dr. Shams EL-Din EL-Kornfolly, the faculty’s dean and prof.Dr. Hanan Osman, the faculty’s deputy of educational and students affairs inspect that the exams are up and running and everything is typically great.

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Monday, 23 December 2019 11:31

The assessment of stickers design

On Saturday, 21-12-2019, the assessment of the stickers design curriculum is up and running for the fourth grade at the department of textiles and dyeing

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Sunday, 22 December 2019 13:03

The assessment of the women fashion

On Saturday, 21-12-2019, the assessment of the women fashion curriculum 1 is up and running for the second grade at the department of clothes technolgy and fashion.

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On Thursday, 19-12-2019, the assessment of the design styles curriculum is up and running for the second grade at the department of design.

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Monday, 23 December 2019 15:03

The assessment of patterns design curriculum

 On Monday, 16-12-2019, the assessment of the patterns design curriculum is up and running for the second grade at the department of design.

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Prof.Dr. Shams EL-Din EL-Kornfolly, the faculty’s dean inspects the textile workshop on Saturday, 21-12-2019 to keep an eye on the development and maintenance works.

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The faculty’s dean attends the assessment of the practical section at the department of sculpture. This assessment is done to the second and first grades.

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        Benha University announces about holding The Sino-Egyptian Musical Show under auspices of Dr\ Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President and Prof.Dr\ Karim El Dosh, the academic manager of El Obour Campus. The musical show is going to be held on Wednesday, 20\11\2019 at 1:00pm in presence of the University president, deans, deputies, professors and other guests. The show will be done according to students' exchange programs among Benha University and other Chinese universities.

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