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Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president announces that the University has been given the chance to fund a new research project of Science and technology development fund so as to general power from Giza Pyramids. The amount of the fund is 2,000,000 L.E and it will continue to be funded for 24 months.

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Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president issues decrees to appoint new department head in Benha University's faculties. The new department heads are as follows; appointing prof.Dr. Ahmed Hassan Ashour as the head of the educational psychology department in the faculty of education, appointing prof.Dr. Mahmoud EL-Sayed Abed as the head of the theriogenology in the faculty of veterinary medicine, appointing prof.Dr. Amal Gharieb Osman as the head of the children nursing department in the faculty of nursing. He also appoints prof.Dr. Magdy Abd EL-Mawgood as the head of HEPATOLOGY GASRTOENTEROLOGY & INFECTIOUS DISEASAS in the faculty of medicine, appointing prof.Dr. Azza Ahmed Ibrahim as the head of clinical pathology in the faculty of medicine, appointing prof.Dr. Emad EL-Din Mustafa as the head of the surgery department in the faculty of medicine and appointing prof.Dr. Sameh Shawky Habib as the head of the mechanical engineering in the faculty of engineering/ Shubra.

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Within the framework of joint cooperation between Benha University and the Egyptian Society for Science and Engineering, The Community Service Sector at Benha University announces about hosting a Hackathon that entitled “NASA Space Apps Benha “.
The Hackathon is going to be held in the period from 1-2 October, 2022. In that Hackathon the contestants compete to solve the challenges presented From NASA, within 48 hours by using the resources that NASA and its partners provide to contestants.
For more details about the Hackathon, you can check the following links;

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The sector of community service and environment development in Benha University organizes, in cooperation with the ministry of social solidarity and the general administration of organization and administration under the auspices of prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, the University president, prof.Dr. Salah Hashim, the consultant of the minister of social solidarity of the social policies, prof.Dr. Mahmoud Eraqi, the supervisor of the sector of community service and environment development, a two-day workshop about team work and problems-solving capabilities so as to hone the skills of the employees in the social solidarity units in the University's faculties. This workshop was held in the presence of Ms. Shereen Shawky, the University's secretary-general, Mr. Refaat Nan, the assistant secretary-general of the administrative affairs and Ms. Rania Motaz, the assistant secretary-general of community service and environment development.

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Prof. Dr. Gamal Sosa, Benha University President announced that Benha University has advanced 139 positions according to the Spanish Webometrics Classification that issued in July 2022, as it ranked 1225 among more than 31 thousand universities around the world that participated in the classification. At the level of Arab World, Benha University has occupied the rank 23th among 1361 of Arabian universities.
At the level of Africa, Benha University has occupies the rank 22nd among 2090 African universities. At the local level, Benha University has occupied the rank 7th among 76 public and private universities that participated at the classification on the level of Egypt.
For his part , Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Researches ' Affairs , pointed out that this classification depends on three indicators to measure the performance of universities around the world, which are the index of openness, research excellence and influence. El Gizawy also added that Benha University has ranked 1200 in the Openness Index, and ranked 843 globally, with a progression of 227 positions over the previous version in the Research Excellence Index, and also has ranked 4023 globally, with an advance of 100 positions over the previous version in the Impact Index. Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy said that the number of the University reference scientific citations has reached 137.895 comparing with the previous edition which was 125,475 referring to an increase of 12,420 citations in only six months.
He also said that this progress reflects the university's keenness to continue excellence in this classification with its various edition and it came as a result for the concerted efforts of all the University's employees, including faculty members, their assistants, young researchers and administrators at various levels to achieve distinguished position for Benha University at the global, African and Arab levels.
For more details about results of Webometrics Ranking, you can visit the following websites;

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The general / Abdel Hamid EL-Hagan, the governor of Qualubia and prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, the university president attends the University's ceremony of the great June revolution. The general /Bahgat Mohamed Farid delivers the speech in this ceremony that was held in Benha University. It was held in the presence of  prof.Dr. Tamer Smair, prof.Dr.  Mahmoud Eraqi, prof.Dr. Samir Hamad, the faculties' deans and deputies, the military consultant of Qualubia governorate, Mrs. Shreen Shawky, prof.Dr. Khalid Esawi, prof.Dr. Ahmed Naguib, prof.Dr. Hani Zakaria, the members of parliament, the assistant secretaries and the university's studetns.

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The non-governmental Benha University (under construction) announces its need to hire faculties' members (professor- assistant professor- lecturer) and teaching staff (assistant lecturer- demonstrator) for the following faculties:

  • The faculty of medicine
  • The faculty of optical arts and design
  • The program of inner design and furniture
  • The program of media and advertisement
  • The program of sculpture, civil engineering and reformation
  • The faculty of economics and business administration
  • The program of business administration and international relationships
  • The program of digital marketing and electronic works
  • The program of economics and international finance

The program of accounting and business informatics

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Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, the University president asserts that the Egyptian state spares no effort to establish the non-governmental Universities in order to provide high quality educational services in addition to having a distinguished graduate who is able to meet the demands of the workplace in a way that go in accordance with the Egypt's vision 2030 of sustainable development.  This is done in the presence of  Prof.Dr. Tamer Samir, the vice president of educational and students affairs, prof.Dr. Soliman Mustafa, the former vice president of educational and students affairs, prof.Dr. Mahmoud Eraqi, the supervisor of the community development sector, Mrs. Shreeen Shawky, the university  secretary-general, the deans of various faculties and the members of the different committees.

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Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, the university president hosts Prof.Dr. Anesthesia Mina, the vice president of Saint Petersburg University in order to discuss the bilateral cooperation between the two sides in the fields of education, scientific research, students exchange and the faculties' members' scholarships. This is done in the presence of Prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway, the vice president of post-graduate studies and scientific research, prof.Dr. Tamer Samir, the vice president of educational and students affairs, prof.Dr. Ayman EL-Shehaby, the dean of the faculty of engineering/ Shubra, prof.Dr. Abdel Momean Shams EL-Kornfoly, the dean of the faculty of applied arts and prof.Dr. Mahran el-Nagar, the head of international relationships office in Benha University.

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In accordance with the university president's endeavor to support the entrepreneurship initiatives to boost the sector of small and medium sized enterprises  as they are considered one of the main pillars of the achievement of sustainable development as per the strategy 2030 to reinforce the young projects, Prof.Dr. Mahmoud Eraqi, the supervisor of the environment service sector and Prof.Dr. Hanaa Garis, the chairman of the board of enroot company sign a cooperation agreement in the presence of prof.Dr. Hany EL-Salamony, the member of the board, Ms. Rania Motaaz, the assistant-secretary of the community service and environment development, Ms. Rana EL-Tanbadaway, the project manager in Enroot Company, Mr. Ahmed Amin, the projects manager in Enroot Company and Mr. Abdel Rahaman Khalid, the project manager in the Company.

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