• Department of Spinning, Weaving & Knitting

  • Department of Industrial Design

  • Furniture Design and Production Sciences

  • Department of Interior Design & Furniture

  • Department of Jewelry & Metal Products

  • Department of Apparel Technology & Fashion

  • Department of Sculpture, Architectural Forming & Restoration

  • Department of Advertising, Printing & Publishing

  • Department of Textile Printing, Dyeing & Finishing

The Faculty of Applied Arts at Benha University aspires to excel scientifically, practically and in research at the local, regional and international levels according to quality standards...


The Faculty of Applied Arts at Benha University is committed to preparing graduates capable of innovation and competition locally and regionally through distinguished educational programs...


The Faculty of Applied Arts at Benha University aspires to excel scientifically, practically and in research at the local, regional and international levels according to quality standards...


Gamal El Saeed appoints Samia Abd El Hamid as the General Secretary of the University

Gamal El Saeed appoints Samia Abd El Hamid as the General Secretary of the University

     Prof.Dr\Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President has issued a decree to appoint Mrs.Samia Abd El Hamid Mahmoud, the former secretary of the University for Financial Affairs as the General Secretary of the University. The University president assured that he is keen on completing the academic and administrative positions at the University and its faculties.                                                                             

Abd El Halim and El Saeed witness Faculty of Engineering Graduation Ceremony

Abd El Halim and El Saeed witness Faculty of Engineering Graduation Ceremony

     Dr\Alaa Abd El Halim, El Qalyoubia's Governor and Prof.Dr\Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President witnessed the organized ceremony by Faculty of Engineering on the occasion graduating a new patch from the Faculty . The ceremony was held in presence of Dr\ Ragab Megahid, the Faculty of Engineering dean and Dr\ Safwat Zahran, the former president of Benha University. Dr\Alaa Abd El Halim thanked all students and said that he is proud of their excellence and hoped for them best wishes and continuous success.

Important Announcement for Information Research Service Centre (IRSC)

Important Announcement for Information Research Service Centre (IRSC)

      Under auspice of Prof.Dr.Gamal El Saeed, Benha University president, Community service and Environment development affairs sector announces about starting receiving application for appointing a general director for Information Research Service Centre (IRSC). The applicants should fulfill the following conditions to be accepted at the required position as following; the applicant must be a faculty member staff, he should have a plan to develop the center and its resources. The applicants can register at deadline two weeks of the announcement at the following website; https://forms.gle/YC3TVd4UcniwJYuU8 

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