• Department of Spinning, Weaving & Knitting

  • Department of Industrial Design

  • Furniture Design and Production Sciences

  • Department of Interior Design & Furniture

  • Department of Jewelry & Metal Products

  • Department of Apparel Technology & Fashion

  • Department of Sculpture, Architectural Forming & Restoration

  • Department of Advertising, Printing & Publishing

  • Department of Textile Printing, Dyeing & Finishing

The Faculty of Applied Arts at Benha University aspires to excel scientifically, practically and in research at the local, regional and international levels according to quality standards...


The Faculty of Applied Arts at Benha University is committed to preparing graduates capable of innovation and competition locally and regionally through distinguished educational programs...


The Faculty of Applied Arts at Benha University aspires to excel scientifically, practically and in research at the local, regional and international levels according to quality standards...


The President of Banha University receives a delegation from the Coptic Orthodox Church.

The President of Banha University receives a delegation from the Coptic Orthodox Church.

Dr. Gamal Al-Saied, President of Banha University, received in his office today His Grace Bishop Maximus, Bishop of Banha, Quesna and its dependencies, and Girgis Zaki, priest of the Church of Our Lady in Banha. The ecclesiastical delegation congratulated Al-Saied on assuming his new position as President of the University, wishing him success in his new mission.

Observance of Christian holidays on the dates of university examinations.

Observance of Christian holidays on the dates of university examinations.

In the context of Benha University's preparations for the second semester, Dr. Hussein Al-Magraby, Vice President for Education and Students Affairs, stressed the importance of completing all the procedures required to hold the examinations and adhere to the schedules of the exams announced, in particular the dates of attendance and departure for students and adherence to the time frame provided by the Supreme Council of Universities During the period from 01/06/2019 to 20/06/2019. According to the circumstances of each college, noting the need to observe the festivals of the Christian brothers, with the need to emphasize the commitment to observation and control, in addition to the emphasis on not allowing students to enter the mobiles inside the committees and alert students not to use colored pens or write any signs or signs of the answer.

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