• Department of Spinning, Weaving & Knitting

  • Department of Industrial Design

  • Furniture Design and Production Sciences

  • Department of Interior Design & Furniture

  • Department of Jewelry & Metal Products

  • Department of Apparel Technology & Fashion

  • Department of Sculpture, Architectural Forming & Restoration

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  • Department of Textile Printing, Dyeing & Finishing

The Faculty of Applied Arts at Benha University aspires to excel scientifically, practically and in research at the local, regional and international levels according to quality standards...


The Faculty of Applied Arts at Benha University is committed to preparing graduates capable of innovation and competition locally and regionally through distinguished educational programs...


The Faculty of Applied Arts at Benha University aspires to excel scientifically, practically and in research at the local, regional and international levels according to quality standards...


Fully-Funded Master Scholarship from Fulbright in the Field of Biophysicse

Fully-Funded Master Scholarship from Fulbright in the Field of Biophysicse

Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Researches ' Affairs said that the Researcher/ Rawan Mohamed Mahmoud, the demonstrator at the Faculty of Science has got fully-funded master scholarship from Fulbright to study in Ohio State University in the field of biophysics, which is one of the most popular scholarships in the world, as the program provides 8,000 scholarships annually. It is worth mentioning that the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Ohio State University is one of the most famous and influential scientific entities on the international level in the field of biophysics

Research in BU on " Effectiveness of Using Antibiotics in Pneumonia Patients due to the Use of a Ventilator"

Research in BU on " Effectiveness of Using Antibiotics in Pneumonia Patients due to the Use of a Ventilator"

Dr. Tarek Mustafa Ibrahim, from the Faculty of Medicine has presented a research study to the University Sector of Post Graduate Studies and Researches ' Affairs to get master`s degree under the title of " Effectiveness of Using Antibiotics for Pneumonia Patients due to the Use of a Ventilator". In the same context, Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Researches ' Affairs said that the University pays attention to the medical sector in order to keep pace with the steady progress in this field by preparing an efficient specialist doctor who contributes positively for providing health care to all segments of society in addition to developing the medical service provided in the University hospitals and medical centers, which helps to achieve international quality standards in the medical education field.

BU President receives a Delegation from the Coptic Orthodox Church

BU President receives a Delegation from the Coptic Orthodox Church

Prof. Dr. Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President has received a delegation from the Coptic Orthodox Church headed by Anba Maximus, the Bishop of Benha, Quesna, and their environs; in addition, Father Gerges Zaki, the Priest of the Church of the Virgin Mary in Benha for congratulation on the occasion of Eid Al Adha and the new Hijri year. During the meeting, El Saeed asserted the strong fraternal relations among the people of Qalyubia Governorate and the Egyptian people, which is evident in religious holidays and various national occasions

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