• Department of Spinning, Weaving & Knitting

  • Department of Industrial Design

  • Furniture Design and Production Sciences

  • Department of Interior Design & Furniture

  • Department of Jewelry & Metal Products

  • Department of Apparel Technology & Fashion

  • Department of Sculpture, Architectural Forming & Restoration

  • Department of Advertising, Printing & Publishing

  • Department of Textile Printing, Dyeing & Finishing

The Faculty of Applied Arts at Benha University aspires to excel scientifically, practically and in research at the local, regional and international levels according to quality standards...


The Faculty of Applied Arts at Benha University is committed to preparing graduates capable of innovation and competition locally and regionally through distinguished educational programs...


The Faculty of Applied Arts at Benha University aspires to excel scientifically, practically and in research at the local, regional and international levels according to quality standards...


Benha University creates a mail for complaints during the health crisis of covid-19 pandemic

Benha University creates a mail for complaints during the health crisis of covid-19 pandemic

The university president stresses that the university has been put into action the new system of complaints since last April and he orders the administration of citizens' services not to receive any paper complaints, but these complaints have to be sent via the customized mail of the new complaints system. These procedures come in accordance with the precautionary measures to contain the outbreak of covid-19 pandemic.

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