• Department of Spinning, Weaving & Knitting

  • Department of Industrial Design

  • Furniture Design and Production Sciences

  • Department of Interior Design & Furniture

  • Department of Jewelry & Metal Products

  • Department of Apparel Technology & Fashion

  • Department of Sculpture, Architectural Forming & Restoration

  • Department of Advertising, Printing & Publishing

  • Department of Textile Printing, Dyeing & Finishing

The Faculty of Applied Arts at Benha University aspires to excel scientifically, practically and in research at the local, regional and international levels according to quality standards...


The Faculty of Applied Arts at Benha University is committed to preparing graduates capable of innovation and competition locally and regionally through distinguished educational programs...


The Faculty of Applied Arts at Benha University aspires to excel scientifically, practically and in research at the local, regional and international levels according to quality standards...


Benha University President inspects Faculties of Commerce and Arts

Benha University President inspects Faculties of Commerce and Arts

Prof.Dr.\ Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President has inspected faculties of Commerce and Arts at the 1st week of the 2nd semester. El Saeed was accompanied by Dr.\Abeer El Rabat, Faculty of Arts dean and Dr.\ Mustafa El Abady, Faculty of Commerce dean. El Saeed checked lectures' halls, maintenance works and listened to students opinions and complains and assured on keeping in touch with students. El Saeed encouraged students to participate at activities and do their best to get the best results.
El Maghraby inspects Faculty of Law

El Maghraby inspects Faculty of Law

Prof.Dr.\ Hussein El Maghraby, the University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs has inspected faculty of Law at the 1st week of the 2nd semester. El Saeed was accompanied by Prof.Dr.\Reda Abd El Halim, Faculty of Law dean, deputies of the Faculty and Faculty members' staff. El Maghraby checked lectures' halls, maintenance works and listened to students opinions and complains and assured on keeping in touch with students. El Maghraby encouraged students to participate at activities and do their best to get the best results.

Al Qalyubia Governor and the University president honor the Top students at Science and Engineering Fair

Al Qalyubia Governor and the University president honor the Top students at Science and Engineering Fair

     The general / Abd EL-Hamid EL-Hagan, Al Qalyubia governor, Prof.Dr. Gamal EL-Saeed, Benha University president, Prof.Dr. Samir Hamad, the deputy of the governor and Mr. Taha Aglan, the deputy of the directorate of Education participated at the ceremony of honoring the top students in Qualubia governorate fair of Science and Engineering. The ceremony was held in the presence of Prof.Dr. Aref Soliman, Benha Faculty of Engineering dean and Faculty of Medicine dean in addition to the top figures of the education directorate.


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