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mona samir

mona samir

Prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway, the university president stresses that the University’s facilities should optimally be made use of and set the example of the pivotal projects so as to achieve the sustainability. This statement concurs with his inspection of the University lounges, hostels and stadiums along with Mr. Rafaat Nan, the assistant secretary-general of administrative affairs and the faculty of physical education vice deans.

Prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway, the university president inaugurates a TOT course to hone the faculties’ members’ potentials. It’s noteworthy that this course is organized by faculties’ members’ leadership development center. EL-Gizaway stresses that this course aims to prepare the participants to teach excellent and up to-date programs. He also contends that the center seeks to develop the academic and administrative potentials of the faculties’ members so as to achieve the University’s development strategy.

Prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway, the university president stresses that the University is keen to implement openness policy and cooperate with the international Universities in either conducting research projects or applying to scholarships for the students or the faculties’ members. This is happened as the University president hosts Ms. Enga Levantiski, the cultural affairs officer in the U.S Embassy to discuss the ways of cooperation between the University and the American Universities in the field of students and faculties’ members’ exchange. It’s noteworthy that this orientation workshop is organized by the international relations office of the university about the programs and the scholarships of U.S Embassy in the presence of prof.Dr. Abd EL-Fattah Monged, the head of the international relations office of the University and Ms. Rania EL-Sayed, senior cultural affairs specialist in the U.S Embassy.

Prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway, the university president stresses that the university is keen to apply the quality management standards academically and administratively as per the local and global standards and reinforce the levels of competitiveness in the university.  Thus concurs with the meeting of quality management and accreditation center in the presence of prof.Dr. Mohamed Mohammedy Ghanem, the head of the center and the members of the board. During the meeting, the University president thanks prof.Dr. Saad Mahmoud Saad, the former head of the center for his efforts wishing him more success and prosperity.

Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed Fouda, the vice president of community service and environment development witnesses with prof.Dr. Mahmoud EL-Zabalawy, the dean of the faculty of agriculture in Moshtohor the production of Tilapia in the open fish farms. This is happened in the presence of prof.Dr. Ehab Farid, the vice dean of community service and environment development and Ms. Rania Motaaz, the assistant secretary-general of community service and environment development. The vice president stresses that the faculty uses the most advanced ways to bridge the nutrition gap and achieve the nutrition security as per Egypt vision of sustainable development 2030. He also says: “the University is keen to support the agricultural Units and the productive farms to meet the demands of the community at lower costs for the citizens”.

Prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway, the university president indicates that the University students obtain top ranks in the competition of martyr EL-Refaai 51 for athletics (males/ females). This competition is organized by the Egyptian sports Union for the universities at the AUC’s stadiums in Cairo. El-Gizaway congratulates the wining students who won 6 golden medals, 5 silver medals, and 5 bronze medals encouraging them to positively participate in the different competitions to be always in the right track.

Prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway, the university president announces that there are new ministerial decrees to renew the appointment of general managers in Benha University. These decrees include the renewal of the appointment of Mr. Wael Fouad as the head of the university secretariat, Mr. Sherriff Abd Allah as the head of medical affair in the university, Mr. Mohamed Mustafa Abd EL-Aziz as the head of post-graduate studies and scientific research in the university, Mr. Khalid Mustafa Ahmed as the general manager of the faculty of engineering/ Shubra, Mr. Mohamed Ibrahim EL-Sayed as the general manager of the faculty of agriculture, Mr. EL-Sayed Magawory Mohamed as the general manager of the faculty of education and Ms. Howiyda Fawzy Ahmed as the general manager of the faculty of arts.

Under the auspices of prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway, the university president, the international relations office and DAAD hold a workshop about teaching staff strategic leadership. It’s noteworthy that Ms. Heba Selim delivered the lecture. The University president stresses that the university pays a due attention to scientific research in cooperation with the diverse institutions and educational entities in Egypt so as to get benefited from them in training the young researchers and the teaching staff. These workshops aim to strengthen the ties that will hone the potentials of researchers, teaching staff and employees.

Prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway, the university president stresses that the university is keen to help the researchers and the teaching staff reach their full potentials so as to positively affect the university reputation. EL-Gizaway says: “the university pays a great attention to help the teaching staff maximize their research capabilities in response to the modern challenges and the advanced technologies contending that effectiveness is the key standard to fill the leading vacancies”. This statement comes in accordance with the meeting in which the University president has with the teaching staff to discuss scientific research-related issues in “Tahia Misr” hall.

The students of media department get rewarded in the competition of media Excellence that takes place in Misr University for sciences and technology. Benha University participation comes under the auspices of prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway, the university president, prof.Dr. Amgad Hegazi, the dean of the faculty of arts and prof.Dr. Arabi EL-Touki, the acting head of the media department. The wining projects were conducted under the supervision of prof.Dr. Amal Khatab, the assistant professor of journalism and prof.Dr. Fathy Ibrahim Ismail,  the assistant professor of journalism

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