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mona samir

mona samir

Prof.Dr. Mohamed Ayman Ashour, the minister of higher education and scientific research issues ministerial decrees to renew the appointment of BU general managers. BU president says that these decrees include the following: the renewal of the appointment of Mr. Refaat Nan Dawood as the secretary-general of administrative affairs and the renewal of the appointment of Mr.  Ayman Bioumy as the secretary-general of the financial affairs.  Prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway and Ms. Shreen Shawky congratulate both of them on their new positions wishing them success in performing their job duties.

Prof.Dr. Mohamed Ayman Ashour, the minister of higher education and scientific research issues ministerial decrees to renew the appointment of BU general managers. BU president says that these decrees include the following: the renewal of the appointment of Ms. Eman Mohamed Kamel as the head of educational and student affairs department and the renewal of the appointment of Mr. Mohamed Sayed Abd Allah as the secretary-general of the faculty of law. Prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway and Ms. Shreen Shawky congratulate both of them on their new positions wishing them success in performing their job duties.

Sunday, 22 October 2023 09:46

Benha University mourns Gaza’s martyrs

Prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway, the president of Benha University, announces that the university mourns the death of Gaza’s martyrs by taking down the flags in mourning of the victims of the Baptist hospital in Gaza Strip all martyrs of Palestine. This action comes in accordance with the measures taken by the University to stand with the Palestinian brothers and sisters and carry out the instructions of his Excellency Mr. president/ Abdel Fattah EL-Sisi to mourn the Palestinian martyrs for three consecutive days from Wednesday to Friday across Egypt.

The faculty of commerce organizes a forum entitled “the economic impact of wars… a comparative study of October’s war” under the auspices of prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway, BU president, prof.Dr. EL-Sayed Fouda, the vice president of community development and environment service and in the presence of prof.Dr. Sami Ghonemiy, the dean of the faculty of commerce. Prof.Dr. Magdy Meligy, the vice president of vice president of community service and environment development says that this forum is organized in cooperation with Ms. Rania Motaz, the secretary-general of community service and environment development and it is held in the presence of Mr. Mustafa Abu EL-Dahab, the faculty’s secretary-general, the faculty’s members and the students. Dr. major general/ Mohamed EL-Gobary, the former dean of the national defense faculty and Colonel/ Mohamed Tharwat, the head of the military education center in Benha University.

In accordance with the University’s obligation to serve the community, under the auspices of prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway, BU president and prof.Dr. EL-Sayed Fouda, the vice president of community development and environment service, prof.Dr. Amani Abbas, the dean of the veterinary medicine faculty, the faculty sends a veterinary convoy to Sendion Village in Qaluib.

Major general/ Abdel Hamid EL-Hagan, Qalubia governor and prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway attend the introductory forum of “Women in charge” program in the Egyptian governorates. This forum was organized by the National Academy of training and the ministry of planning and economic development so as to enable women socially, politically and economically and participates in building the Egyptian community. The forum starts by mourning the death of the Palestinian martyrs in the presence of, prof.Dr. Eman Rayan and prof.Dr. Samir Hadad, the governor’s deputies, Major general, Ehab Hamed, the executive manager of the governmental relations in the National Academy of training, Major General, Ehab Hasan Serag, the general secretary of the governorate, a number of the faculties’ deans and vice deans, the university’ secretary-generals, the directorates heads in the governorate, the faculties’ members and the university students.

Prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway, BU president issues new decrees to appoint new deans and vice deans in the university’s faculties. The decrees include the following: the appointment of prof.Dr. Mahmoud Soliman Ahmed of the faculty of engineering/ Shubra as the faculty’s vice dean of post-graduate studies for three years, the appointment of prof.Dr. Mahmoud Mansur Heiaba of the faculty of specific education as the head of educational media department, the appointment of prof.Dr. Hasan fawzy El-Attar of the faculty of engineering/ Benha as the head of mechanical engineering department and the appointment of prof.Dr. Mohamed Barky Abdel EL-allaim, the emeritus professor in the faculty of commerce as the head of business administration department.

Benha University stands in support of Palestinians and the Egyptian state in the presence of prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway, BU president, prof.Dr. Tamer Samir, the vice president of educational and students affairs, prof.Dr. Sami Ghonemiy, the dean of the faculty of commerce, prof.Dr. Amgad Hegazy, the acting dean of the faculty of arts, prof.Dr. Khalid Esawi, the general supervisor of students’ activities, the faculties’ members and hundreds of University’s students. This protest mourns the death of Palestinians martyrs; perform the national anthem of Egypt and Palestine, and condemn the Israeli atrocities by bombing hospitals and targeting unarmed civilians.

Prof.Dr. Nasser el-Gizaway, the acting University president stresses that the leadership development center contributes to get more cadres prepared to be the leaders in the future. This statement concurs with the final ceremony of handing out the certificates of the third batch of the leadership development program in the presence of prof.Dr .Amani Abbas, the dean of the veterinary medicine, prof.Dr. Mohamed Abu Salem, the general supervisor of the leadership development center, prof.Dr. Ahmed Naguib, the general supervisor of the leadership development center and Benha university students.

Prof.Dr. Nasser el-Gizaway, the acting University president announces that Benha University team has been qualified to participate in the Arab and African competition of programming in Sharm-Sheikh. It’s noteworthy that this completion is held under the auspices of Prime Minister from 17-11-2023 to 21-11-2023. El-Gizaway says that the team’s members are computer and artificial intelligence students; Mr. Mohammed Wareth Ibrahim, Mr. Mohammed Wahid Saeed and Mr. John Nageh Zakari.   

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